Avocado Oil: Experience Its Wonderful Benefits
| On Dec03,2021
Avocado, which is so rich in benefits, is considered one of the five healthiest foods, so it is no surprise that its oil is considered just as valuable and healthy.
Why is avocado oil so valuable? It is considered an excellent source of healthy fats and nutrients – including vitamin E – and according to studies it can act preventively and therapeutically for conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- high cholesterol
- high triglyceride levels
- skin disorders such as psoriasis
In France, products made from avocado oil are prescribed, due to their proven action in combating the negative effects of arthritis. So, along with coconut oil, we can store avocado oil in our cupboard, not only for cooking but also for natural protection against diseases.
What is avocado oil?
Avocado oil is produced from the fruit of the avocado tree (Persea americana), a tree native to parts of Mexico as far south as the Andes. Avocado oil comes from squeezing the fleshy pulp that surrounds its kernel, making it one of the few non-seed edible oils.
Why is avocado oil valuable for our health ? Avocado pulp produces an oil rich in healthy fats, including oleic acid and essential fatty acids.
Compared to highly processed vegetable oils, such as soy, cottonseed oil, etc., the avocado oil diet contains a high level of monounsaturated fats, so it replaces other oils, which are more dangerous and unhealthy, in the best and healthiest way.
According to studies published in Antioxidants in 2019, avocados may prevent and treat conditions such as cancer and other microbial, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
Avocado Oil: 8 Its Health Benefits
Avocado oil is important for a diet low in FODMAP, and is also on the GAPS diet list, which helps treat digestive disease, neurological disorders, autoimmunity and fight inflammation.
Let’s look at some of the many benefits of avocado oil:
- Balancing hypertension.
Avocado oil is an excellent natural way to treat hypertension and maintain a healthy blood pressure. The monounsaturated fats in avocado oil have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and therefore the heart when consumed in moderation and replace saturated and trans fats.
- Improve arthritis symptoms.
A further possible benefit of avocado oil is the improvement of conditions, such as arthritis, which causes swelling and pain in the joints and is categorized as either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between the joints weakens, causing inflammation and pain.
In France, the so-called ASU, an extract from the combination of avocado and soybean oil is prescribed as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee and hip. In Denmark, ASU is also commercially available as a dietary supplement for its anti-inflammatory effects and ability to induce cartilage growth and repair.
- Beneficial for the symptoms of psoriasis and other skin problems
Psoriasis afflicts many people around the world. According to studies vitamin B12 ointment with avocado oil acted as a well-tolerated, long-term topical treatment for psoriasis. Using the ointment for 12 weeks had beneficial effects throughout the study.
According to clinical studies in experimental animals and humans, avocado oil helps heal wounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Avocado oil is good for the skin due to its high content of healthy fats that make it a natural moisturizer – while it contains valuable vitamins, such as vitamin E, that help relieve skin from wounds.
- Supports heart health and lowers cholesterol.
Avocado oil lowers cholesterol due to its high content of monounsaturated oleic acids, which is good for the heart.
According to research , oleic acid, like other omega-9 fatty acids, reduces the risk of heart disease by fighting inflammation and increases levels of HDL, the “good cholesterol”. Oleic acid is also beneficial because it can lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the “bad” cholesterol.
There is also epidemiological evidence that dietary monounsaturated fatty acids in avocado oil also have a beneficial effect on the risk of coronary heart disease (PCOS). According to controlled clinical studies , monounsaturated fatty acids favorably affect a number of risk factors for STDs, such as:
- cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- factors associated with the formation of blood clots
- in vitro LDL oxidative sensitivity
- insulin sensitivity
- Helps absorb nutrients.
According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, the addition of avocado oil enhances the absorption of carotenoids, which are health-promoting antioxidants that are fat-soluble and need dietary fats to be absorbed.
According to the study, adding avocado oil to a salad significantly improved the absorption of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lutein. Dietary carotenoids are believed to provide significant health benefits, reducing the risk of disease, including eye diseases and certain types of cancer.
- Helps with satiety.
According to a 2018 study , oleic acid, a fatty acid found in avocados, significantly increased fullness and reduced the desire to eat food.
- It has antioxidant effects.
According to animal studies in 2020, avocado oil can help detoxify the body. As it turns out, this oil positively affects the metabolism of glutathione and has antioxidant activity. According to the study , avocado oil extract “significantly inhibited nuclear antioxidant activity, induction of antioxidant gene expression, anti-inflammatory activity and activation of autophagy”.
- Safer cooking oil.
Oils such as flaxseed and pumpkin are very concentrated in nutrients, but are not recommended for cooking. The amazing thing about avocado oil is that it is not only a superfood oil that accompanies salads, but is also recommended for cooking.
Avocado oil is a good cooking oil because it has a high smoke point; that is, even olive oil becomes unhealthy when it reaches the smoke point. When an oil reaches the point of smoke, its structure breaks down, nutrients are lost, the taste changes and, more dangerously, free radical compounds can be formed that are harmful to health.
The high smoke point of avocado oil, which is valued at 250 degrees Celsius, makes it a top choice as a cooking oil.
Avocados are high in healthy fats, free of cholesterol or trans fats, and rich in vitamin E, as well as vital nutrients such as thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin A.
In some avocado varieties, the flesh contains up to 25% unsaturated oil. The raw oil derived from avocado is usually green in color with a rich fatty odor. If the oil is refined, then it has a yellowish color with a less intense odor.
One tablespoon of 100% pure avocado oil contains approximately:
- 125 calories
- 14 grams of fat (1.5 grams of saturated fat, the rest monounsaturated and polyunsaturated)
- 0 grams of carbohydrates, sugar or sodium
- 3.6 milligrams of vitamin E (23% S.H.P.)
14 grams of avocado oil is about 22% of the recommended daily allowance of fat. Although it may seem high, about 10 of the 14 grams are healthy monounsaturated fats and two grams are polyunsaturated fats (also healthy fats).
Avocado oil against olive oil.
Can avocado oil be better than olive oil?
The bottom line is that both offer many of the same benefits, as they are high in unsaturated fats and vitamin E (although virgin olive oil contains slightly more vitamin E). Both support cardiovascular health, fight inflammation and improve skin health.
Two main differences between them are the taste and the point of smoke they have. Olive oil has the taste of olive, while the avocado oil that is not refined (cold pressed) has a natural taste and the color of avocado.
Like avocado oil and olive oil it is available in various forms such as pure, virgin or extra virgin. Virgin and extra virgin olive oil are extracted by cold pressing and are believed to be the most beneficial – however, they are more susceptible to damage when cooked at high temperatures, so raw is best used.
Avocado oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil. Its smoke point is estimated to be 250 ° C while olive oil has a smoke point of about 191 ° C. Therefore, it is a better choice to use avocado oil when grilling, or cooking in general.
Way of use.
In any case, avocado oil must be 100% pure, either for cooking or for cosmetic reasons. We find products from pure avocado oil at the nearest grocery store or health food stores.
Due to the smoking point, avocado oil is suitable for cooking, is often used at high temperatures and can be used in the same way as olive oil. Add it to your favorite homemade sauce, a sandwich, grilled or baked vegetables, or sauté your favorite ingredients for delicious creations.
The possibilities are endless and you can also use it on hair and skin for cosmetic purposes.
The sealed avocado oil has a shelf life of about 24 months, while if you open it you must use it within six months. Always store in a cool, dry place away from heat and light.
Risks and side effects
If you are allergic to avocados, then unfortunately you should avoid all products that contain avocado oil, both for cooking and for medical and internal use.
In addition, people with latex allergies are at greater risk of being allergic to avocado and avocado oil products. Latex allergy is associated with certain foods – such as avocados, bananas, chestnuts, kiwis and passion fruit – because these foods contain some of the same allergens found in latex.
In terms of interactions with other drugs, avocado oil may react with warfarin, a blood thinner that slows blood clotting. If you are taking blood thinners, consult your doctor about the types of oils that are best for consumption.
- Avocado oil is produced from avocados, which are rich in healthy fats. Fats are monounsaturated fatty acids along with some polyunsaturated fatty acids, both of which are known for their health benefits.
- This oil is a healthier choice than highly refined and refined oils such as canola oil – while avocado oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil, so it is a better choice for cooking, especially at high temperatures.
- Benefits include better nutrient absorption, which supports eye health and the immune system. Other benefits include lowering blood pressure, improving heart health and relieving skin conditions such as psoriasis.
- Uses are not limited to the kitchen, but also include applications on the hair and skin.
- Avocado oil and olive oil, which is better? Both provide healthy fats in our diet, but avocado oil can be cooked at higher temperatures.
- Look for avocado oil that is 100% pure without additives.