Cardamom essential oil 10ml

Cardamom essential oil in green vial 10ml with dispenser

Cardamom essential oil 10ml

7.78 6.49 με ΦΠΑ

Cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world after saffron and vanilla. The world’s largest producing country is Guatemala. The essential oil is obtained from the distillation of the seeds of the plant. Cardamom is used for the preparation of perfumes, cosmetics, soaps. It’s lovely, sweet fragrance and is pleasant for chiropractic and massage. You can also make a massage oil ideal for stomach aches and period pains. Apply it to the area that hurts and give a gentle massage that will provide relief.

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Cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world after saffron and vanilla. The world’s largest producing country is Guatemala. The essential oil is obtained from the distillation of the seeds of the plant. Its fragrance is unique and it is no coincidence that Cleopatra of Egypt was so fascinated by its scent that she burned the seeds throughout the palace while waiting for Mark Antony.

Cardamom is used for the preparation of perfumes, cosmetics, soaps. It’s lovely, sweet aroma and it is pleasant for chiropractic and massage. You can also make a massage oil ideal for those who have a massage stomach pains and their period pains. Apply it to the area that hurts and massage gently to relieve the pain. To calm down from period pains, you can consume a tea with chamomile and witch hazel.

Properties of cardamom essential oil:

  • Cardamom essential oil is used in the preparation of perfumes and cosmetics.
  • Ideal for stomach pains and period pains.
  • It stimulates the body and the nervous system.
  • Its fragrance will relax you and relieve you from daily stress.

With which essential oils it is combined: Blending: cardamom essential oil combines well with essential oils of rose, orange, bergamot, cinnamon, clove, cumin and cedarwood oil.

Additional Information: 10ml package

Precautions: Always dissolve the essential oils in a base oil that suits your case. Keep in a cool and shady place, away from children. Store in a clean, ventilated area. Do not bring the essential oil into contact with the eyes. Not recommended for how much. Use is not recommended during pregnancy.

How to use: essential oils should always be dissolved in vegetable base oils. In 100ml of oil, 10 drops of essential oil is enough for the massage properties, as well as for excellent fragrance.






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